Sensory Progress | A Whole New World of Fun!

by J

frozen yogurt treat

Sensory Progress | A Whole New World of Fun!

Gah! What an amazing day! For years, our little man has struggled with sensory issues- mainly around water and his head/face. I shared about it before, and while we have seen some minor progress, followed by some minor regression- rinse-repeat (pun intended) we haven’t really seen any major growth.

Today however, our little man went under water 6- count ’em SIX times at swim class!!!!!

And the best part, was when he came out he said “Mommy, I feel like I’ve opened up a whole new world for fun, now that I can go under the water”.

And that right there just makes my heart burst with pride. His dad and I are not the only ones who know what this achievement means for him… HE knows. HE understands what he has been working towards and HE is just as proud and excited. I could not possibly be happier for our boy tonight!

And so, what else could we do, than celebrate with some FroYo!!!!